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Where can I buy a Good & Mojo lamp?

We are preparting a list of the retailers that have ordered Good & Mojo, you will be able to see soon which one is the closest to you on the "store locator".

From April 2016, you will be able to order our lamp directly from our webshop.

I want to become retailer


Great that you are interested in selling Good & Mojo! You can send us an email at with your company details (address, website etc) , the type of business you have and we will reply to your request asap ! 

You can also come and say hi during the fairs Trademart in Utrecht, Maison et Objet in Paris and Ambiente in Frankfurt! 

How does your partnership with Waka Waka works?


We donate 5 % for every lamp sold by our retailers to the Waka Waka foundation.

When our webshop will be active, we will give One Waka Waka lamp for every lamp bought on our webshop.

A question about your lamp?


We advise you to take directly contact with the (web)shop where you bought your lamp from. They should be able to help you with their query. If not the retailer is welcome to take contact with us per email

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